Apr 29, 2024
Narcissistic people are not always easy to spot, especially if you struggle with codependency, have been raised in a dysfunctional home, and by those who emotionally neglected you or routinely minimized your emotions. When you are neurologically and subconsciously programmed to look outside of you for a sense of worthiness, and you meet a narcissist, you will easily become swept up in a crazymaking relationship, where they hold approval over your head. And outside of consciousness, an adult child may not be able to recognize they are dealing with a narcissist, because these dynamics seem so normal and familiar.
In this episode, learn from esteemed Life Coach and bestselling author; adult child advocate Lisa A. Romano as she unpacks the signs that you are dealing with a narcissist so you can peel back on losing yourself trying to get through to someone who cannot and will never hear you, or agree with you. Once you understand the #1 thing that keeps a narcissist from being able to relate to others in a fair, respectable, empathic way, it will be far easier for you to let go.
If you are an adult child and you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of unhealthy relationship dynamics and you are interested in a proven action based, consciousness training program that will increase your mental toughness skills and empower you to become the authority in your life despite a painful past, Conscious Healing Academy is for you.
To learn more contact Lisa and her team at coach@lisaaromano.com or start your journey here;